"Blue Lotus" is a "Nymphaea caerulea" plant known today as a Blue Water Lily. Blue Lotus was ancient Egypt's most important cultivated (ritual) plant. You could see these Water Lilies growing in the wild or the Nile's ponds. It was also artificially planted in in-built water bodies and temple ponds. The Blue Lotus became very popular for its enchanting beauty and positive psychoactive effects. Egyptians used it in ceremonies having to do with birth and death. The water statue of great pharaoh Ramses II (1290-1223 B.C.E.) was almost entirely covered with White and Blue Lotus flowers.
The Blue Lotus was a sacred plant traditionally used to relieve psychic pain and create a feeling of well-being and euphoria because it increases circulation. It was a symbol of Patience for some cultures. The smell of the flower raises intuition. It contains an anti-spasmodic called Nuciferin and contains Aporphine. The history of this species says it appeared as a sort of Cannabis in ancient Egypt. Ancient people used it as a potent aphrodisiac.
Absolutes have a more pungent scent than essential oils and are similar to a plant's natural scent. Absolutes contain the plant's etheric oil and other vital components, so they are more evolved in composition and smell. Also, they are denser than essential oils and have a more intense color.
The Blue Lotus Absolute extraction method is with carbon dioxide. This method provides complete extract, which is also suitable for aromatherapy. This method of extracting oil is of the highest quality. Our Absolute oils are made in controlled, sterilized environments and leave no residue. This method ensures that these highly concentrated extracts are safe for the Mind, body, and SPIRIT.
Dilute 0.5 - 2% of oil in massage oil, mixed in water for the evaporator, for potpourri, as a perfume, and 3 - 5 drops for a bath. When used or combined in products, we advise caution when dosing, as it is a pure concentrate with a highly intense smell. E.g., we recommend adding two to ten drops of Absolute in 100g of base oil for aromatherapy or different types of ointments. Add enough to achieve the desired scent (e.g., twenty drops of essential oil for the same intensity at the same amount). To make a simple perfume, take 10ml of Jojoba oil and add a couple of drops of Blue Lotus Absolute. Pure extract on the skin is used only in a microdose.
It smells beautiful on the fabric, carpet, bedding, bath, and skin and brings pure joy to all embraced by its scent.